Foxtrot, July 2007

DC Prep Step 5, 6, 7, 8 (left foot heel lead on 8)
DC Feather S, Q, Q
DC Fallaway - (blod) Slip Pivot – (fdw) Ronde’ S, Q, &, Q, - 1, 2, 3, 4
BLOD Chasse to right w/inside turn S, Q, &, Q
BLOD Back Whisk S, Q, Q
DW Chasse from Promenade Position S, Q, &, Q
DW Promenade Twist (aka Wing) S, Q, Q
DC Open Telemark S, Q, Q
DW Throwaway to Hover S, S, S, S
DW Natural Zigzag S, Q, Q, Q, Q (M: x in pp, back, side, for o/p)
feels like a weave (L: x in pp, diag. for, for o/p, side, back)
DW Change of Direction S, S, S
DC Feather S, Q, Q
DC Open Reverse Turn S, Q, Q, S, Q, Q
FDW Hover to Butterflies S, Q, Q, S, Q, Q,......... (open to pp, men x first) [x = cross]
Wing S, Q, Q
Chasse to right with woman's inside turn; man finishes blod S, Q & Q
Impetus turn clockwise for man S (blod), Q (man's heel turn) Q (to PP)
To closed dance position via Feather S, Q, Q

* For alignment definitions see Technical Ballroom Dance Terms

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